+91 98542 40175 juriacollege1989@gmail.com


Year of Establishment:  1989
Departmental e-mail ID:  politicalsciencejc@gmail.com
Programs Offered:   UG: TDC Arts (Honours)
UG: TDC Arts (Regular)
Number of Seats: B.A. (Honours): 50
B.A. (Regular): 150
Selection Procedure : On the basis of merit as per choice indicated in the admission form and subject to availability, on the day of interview and admission.

Juria College is the foremost rural educational institution of Nagaon District. Juria College is intended to cover a vast rural area having mostly uneducated population. Demographically Juria being a minority based Sub-Division, with poor socio economic background many students are consequently first generation learner. Literacy rate of the locality is very poor as compare to the district literacy rate. Moreover, out of 12th pass students only few of them can think to pursue higher education due to various obstacles. Such as; poor family economic condition, poor communication condition, guardian’s unwillingness for higher education, etc. The Department of Political Science was established in the same year of the establishment of the college in the year 1989. But, the major course started in the year 2010. The department of Political Science is dedicated to excellence in teaching and service. The department of Political Science is to offering solid foundation and broad understanding of the discipline. As a discipline Political Science centres on the study of government and political theory and how the discourse of power as a determinant force governs different institutions. The study of Political Science provides opportunities for further studies in International Relations, Human Rights, Public Administration and Law. Besides providing basic knowledge about the system of governance and decision-making, it is also helpful for competitive examinations and students can find employment in govt. as well as private sector including media, NGOs and charities. The students are encouraged and motivated by the teachers to explore new horizons and dimensions in curricular and other creative endeavors. At present, there is only one permanent faculty member, one Tutor Assistant Professor and one non-sanction faculty member.

Initially, the department was by the guest teachers from Juria H.S. School and Serajia Usmania H.S. School after that following faculty members were appointed in the department:

Sl. No. Name of Faculties Date of Joining Date of Retirement
01 Shahjahan Ali 5th September, 1993 -
02 Mallika Kandoli 25th February, 1994 -
03 Sonaram Nath 17th July, 1995 -
04 Pijush Dev Nath 19th August, 1995 -
05 Farid Uddin Choudhury 4th February, 1999 -
06 Sailendra Nath Sharma 6th March, 2000 -

At present following faculties are working in the department:

Sl. No. Name of Faculties Date of Joining Date of Retirement
01 Baharul Islam 20th December, 2000 31st December, 2034
02 BadrulAlam 29th December, 2005 28thFebruary, 2041
03 Sahiba Wasim 1st December, 2011 31stJanuary, 2044


The Department of Political Science offers students access to a number of opportunities that can increase their learning and job prospects. Many students choose to study Political Science because they have want to pursue a political career in student politics, local or state politics, community service, non-governmental organizations, or attend law degree. There are nonetheless a variety of career opportunities available to Political Science students.


  • 1. To impart higher education of enhanced quality enabling the students to face the growing challenges in a highly competitive world through a host of dedicated teachers.
  • 2. To prepare students by introducing them to the skills, habits, and attitudes that lead to success through the UG programme.
  • 3. To give a common starting point to all students by addressing varying weaknesses of incoming students with diverse background.
  • 4. To provide solid foundation in the subject and fundamentals necessary for understanding various concepts.
  • 5. To produce a good human being with universal human values who is willing to learn, perform, excel, innovate and face the challenges of the globalized competitive professional environment successfully.


The ultimate vision of the department is to impart quality education and training to build efficient professionals with embedding ethics and values.


To lay the necessary foundation and to offer a host of career oriented learning environment and to equip students to confidently face competition and the growing demands of the fast-changing job market.


Demographically Juria being a minority based Sub-Division, with poor socio economic background many students are consequently first generation learner. Under the circumstances, we leave no stone unturned to enrich the students in such a way so that they can easily keep pace with the advanced learning at an optimum level.

  • 1. Teacher-student relationship is the most noticeable feature of the Department. We are easily accessible to students and they can unhesitatingly express their difficulties to us. Thus we maintain sweet and live relationship of the Department.
  • 2. Many students go for PG studies every year and come out with success. Many of our students are teaching in various privateSenior Secondary Schools of the locality.


  • 1. Our teacher student ratio is not satisfactorily for healthy class performance, especially for Regular Students.
  • 2. Only one permanent faculty in the department therefore, it is very difficult to smooth running the teaching learning process.
  • 3. Sticking to Regional language by the students.


In spite of having its limitations, the department tries to render quality education, encourages and prepares students for building their higher academic career.

  • 1. The department takes initiative to make learned scholars available for the academic interest of the students as and when feasible.
  • 2. Due to poor communication various students are unable to go to cities for higher education, hence they are bound to take admission in our college and this provide us opportunity to educate them.
  • 3. Most of our students are female hence; this is our opportunity to educate women and empower them.


  • 1. Midterm dropout is high and it turns into a challenge for the department.
  • 2. Due to poor communication students are started to back to their home from mid-time of college. Hence, it is huge challenge for us to continue last our classes.
  • 3. Faculty strength is poor hence it is difficult for us to complete all the prescribe syllabus within stipulated period of time.
  • 4. E-learning is becoming most essential learning elements at present, here the challenge is due to poor economic condition various students have no android mobile phone and also poor network connectivity at various remote areas.


As the rural based college there are several problems and challenges to us, but still we have some dreams that may be comes into reality. We have some plans for the development of the department. These are:-

  1. 1. To establish awell-stocked collection of books, journals with reading facility a separate departmental library established for departmental students.
  2. 2. To introduce short term skill-based courses/Add-on courses.
  3. 3. To publish own departmental bulletin and edited printed copy of departmental wall magazine.
  4. 4. Though we have academic limitations but still we hope and confident to introduce PG classes on department in future.
  5. 5. To conduct National and International Seminar by the department and topublish research papers in U.G.C. Care Listjournals and Scopus Index journals.